
About Us


The Business Portal of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a complete informational business portal, and a search engine for services. The basis of the platform's work is to develop a daily statement of government, private and Gulf tenders and projects. The platform is affiliated with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The platform was launched in 2020.


We researched over 164 datasets based on actual information collected from companies, factories, and organizations across the country's economic sectors. We discovered the negative results from this research because we could not find a single source of accurate or up-to-date information on all companies, factories, or institutions. For example, we found out that there are 1,200 factories in another internet search engine while some quarters reported that there are 4,500 factories in general. It is clear that there are discrepancies in the data we have collected from the various bodies representing the private sector in Saudi Arabia.

It is a technology platform as a communication channel between the public and private business sectors and investors in communication for all existing and proposed businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. . We have cooperated with many ministries, governmental, semi-governmental and private companies to obtain accurate and updated data to serve the business sector inside and outside the Kingdom. This has given remarkable results and interest from business owners and investors inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.