Extreme polarisation is permeating global dialogues, Prince Khaled bin Alwaleed, founder and CEO of KBW Ventures, told the Catalytic Philanthropy Forum in Abu Dhabi while discussing impact investing as a means for social good.

He stressed that this was a risk seen through the lens of investing, in addition to lack of measured discourse and decrease in conflict avoidance.

Impact investing is an investment strategy, which strives to generate specific beneficial social or environmental effects in addition to financial gains.

Representing Alwaleed Philanthropies as a board member, he highlighted the foundation’s evolution from its beginnings in 1980, giving an update on its maturation in governance and increasingly precise process implementation in the nineties to its present-day format of a sophisticated globally-relevant mission-driven entity.

During the forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Co-Chair Bill Gates outlined the long-term commitments and various programs that the Gates Foundation, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, and Gates Ventures have made in the way of social good, specifically in global disease eradication programs.

Addressing the push for vaccine research and development, Gates cautioned that raising funds for this continued effort would be increasingly difficult in light of the war in Ukraine.

He added that one of the most relevant takeaways over his years of giving work, a constant factor was that partnerships were crucial for success across every initiative.